FutureSketch update: The influence of the ongoing pandemic and the war in Ukraine on the future of supply chains

In our Future Sketch from July 2021 on the influence of the New Silk Road, we already elaborated that our economic and social systems are in a phase of restructuring. What changes are now likely due to the ongoing pandemic and war in Ukraine? In this update, we pay special attention to the topic of supply chains.
FutureSketch: The future of media and journalism

FutureSketches by Visionary Labs are condensed reflections on the future based on current developments. They are intended as intellectual stimuli and as an invitation to conduct a deeper analysis, to examine your company’s future path and to derive broader scenarios. In this FutureSketch, we look at the future of media and journalism. An independent and critical press is considered the so-called fourth power in our democracies. However, in the light of recent developments in traditional and digital media, we can be skeptical about whether media will still be able to be fill this role in the future.
FutureSketch: Commercial real estate in post-industrial times

FutureSketches by Visionary Labs are condensed reflections on the future based on current developments. They are intended as intellectual stimuli and as an invitation to conduct a deeper analysis, to examine your company’s future path and to derive broader scenarios. In this FutureSketch, we look at possible developments in the commercial real estate sector, which, like many industries, has come under additional pressure during the COVID measures.
Decentralization, accountability, and shared sources of truth

In 1991, social scientist and Nobel laureate Herbert Simon invited us to participate in a somewhat alien-sounding thought experiment. Imagine an extraterrestrial observing human behavior with a special telescope. Instead of showing us as we are, the telescope allows the observer to recognize social structures: organizations appear as green blobs, interactions between organizations as a network of red lines between the blobs.
Thinking futures in interesting times

As we navigate times of great uncertainty and people are worrisome about the future, we need to dedicate resources to think about the future in ways that help us envision possibilities and put people first. Here are some thoughts on how to get there.
FutureSketch: The conflict over the New Silk Road as an accelerator

FutureSketches by Visionary Labs are condensed reflections on the future based on current developments. They are intended as intellectual stimuli and as an invitation to conduct a deeper analysis, to examine your company’s future path and to derive broader scenarios. In our current FutureSketch, we look at possible developments in the global economy in the context of the New Silk Road.
Why postmodernism won’t get us into circular economy and what we can do about it

One of humanity’s biggest problems is getting a handle on the enormous consumption of resources. It is based on the legacy of the classical industrial revolution and an assumption error of postmodernism.
Mutuality, decentralization, and credit, 150 years ago

The dream to revolutionize finance via disintermediation and banking the unbanked might be in the news today. But the very ideas that drive our rethinking the basic concepts of credit, trust and governance are far from new.
A little supply chain disruption thought exercise

Let’s create a stylized but very common supply chain disruption example where a “single truth without single source” data architecture comes in handy.
A short history of innovation

A story about new combinations of old inputs and about getting things done, Austrian riding habits, VHS vs Beta, a bunch of brash young economics professors, the browser wars, the hangover after the dot com bust. And about dusting oneself off and starting over, this time a bit leaner.